Archive for amps/watts

What should I start with for a home theater system? how many amps/watts or whatever?

Posted in General with tags , , , , , , , on August 11, 2010 by unlimitedtechsupport

Question by that guy you never knew: What should I start with for a home theater system? how many amps/watts or whatever?
Okay I’m totally in the dark when it comes to this and I want to buy a home theater system for my bedroom to hook up to my dvd player, I just need the speakers, and the speakers that can hook up to my dvd player but I am willing to buy the reciever but only if it comes with any speficiations I should look for? Like how much should I expect to pay for? I need more than brand names like how many Amps or Watts should be good to start off with, I have a collection of horror movies so if that helps any yea, thanks so much for all your help.

Best answer:

Answer by JSF
Check out the system we bought for ,000…It proves you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get great sound…Click right here:

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